Fundamental sciences, including Physics and Mathematics, study the behavior of the Universe, in particular its motion and related concepts such as energy and force. Today, Physics and Mathematics are present in many aspects of our life, including biology, medicine, chemistry, materials science, electronics, thermodynamics, and many others. Even scientific areas that are more distant from daily life, as nuclear or particle physics, make major contributions to new technologies, e.g., medical diagnostics and therapy using radiations, precise measurements, etc.
Traditional fields include mechanics, acoustics, optics, and thermodynamics. From the study of statics, kinematics, and dynamics, this has evolved to many new fields, including hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, pneumatics, ultrasonics, bioacoustics, electroacoustics, electrodynamics, magneto dynamics.
Modern science started in the early 20th century with the possibility of studying very big and very small scales of time and space. The two main major fields are quantum mechanics and relativity. Although initially away from practical applications, was already able to explain phenomena like the photoelectric effect and the electron orbitals. This has become crucial for today’s economy, as it is the base of electronics and chemistry, and in fields of mathematics with many applications such as probability theory and groups theory. Some of the more modern applications are derived from experience accumulated building particle accelerators and particle detectors, nowadays omnipresent in many areas of engineering, medicine, and computer programming.
Scientists tend to develop mathematical models that can be used to explain phenomena, make precise measurements, and make predictions of new phenomena and measurements. Current computer modelling and simulation involve also numerical methods and modern graphical and computational techniques.
Recent research involves more complex systems, and resulted in the emergence of new fields and techniques, such as complexity, chaos, turbulence, and catastrophe theories.
Multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity have also become common in current scientific research, leading to the development of scientific fields such as econophysics, neurophysics, psychophysics, agrophysics, and medical physics, for example.
Our team of Physicists and Engineers with a long experience in industrial and academic research and development can help you solve your problems in many different areas. Our experience includes mathematical calculations, modelling, simulation, and solving engineering problems in Formal Sciences (Logic, Mathematics, Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Computer Science), Physical Sciences (Fluids, Material Sciences, Optics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences, Space Sciences), Life Sciences, Applied Sciences/Engineering, Human and Environmental Factors, and Industrial Sustainable Design.