Physical Sciences
Physical sciences are an integral part of many of our successful product developments
Our people are excited by the physical sciences. Physics, applied mathematics, chemistry, material science, optics, fluidics, and biology are brought together in our project teams.
Think of the hardness of a rubber seal in a coffee machine or the physics of droplet formation in a nebuliser, equations for radio waves around a satellite phone or focussing light through a blood sample; physical sciences at Cambridge Consultants are deep-rooted tools we use every day to solve development challenges.
The flow of air, blood, beer, nitrogen, coffee, saliva or perfume brings similar fluid dynamics principles to the surface. Our project teams use classical analytical solutions, CFD and experimental results to achieve the engineering of new products involving gases, liquids or complex mixtures.
Material Sciences
Our developments handle machining bulk materials down to laser drilling hair-thin sheets, and as far down as chemical surface treatments at the molecular scale. We involve our PhDs in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, biopolymers and thermodynamics.
Light is just a fraction of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, but represents a vast array of application. We specialise in measurement systems for visible light, NIR, or UV, and can turn low-cost sensors into highly sensitive sensors for innovative products.
Applied Mathematics
Governing equations for a physical system are the language of engineers, and we rely on a deep knowledge of the mathematics behind the products we build. We can express with maths the motions of cars on a motorway, the flow of water through coffee grinds, puffs of powder from an inhaler or a field of radio emissions for Wi-Fi.
Chemistry |
Physics |
Earth sciences |
Space science |